The Four months online course
Week 5: Basics of basketball players technique;
Friday class: Sequence of basketball technic elements teaching. When. What. How. Coach Dalius Lubys
Saturday class: From technical elements to the skill. Teaching – improvement – stabilization. Coach Andrius Vaicekauskas.
Week 6: Basketball technique development;
Friday class: Basketball shooting – from teaching to skill. Lithuanian way. Prof. R. Paulauskas.
Saturday class: Training decision making skills while learning technical elements. Prof. Alejandro Vaquera.
Week 7: Basics of basketball offense;
Friday class: General principles of building basketball offense. Coach Stepas Kairys
Saturday class: Effective ways of offense organization with different teams. Coach Stepas Kairys.
Week 8: Basketball offense;
Friday class: Fast break organization. Coach Dalius Lubys.
Saturday class: Offense against zone defense. Coach Izzat Ismail
The Fifth-week sessions:
Topic: Basics of basketball players technique
Friday class: Sequence of basketball technic elements teaching. When. What. How.
Saturday class: From technical elements to the skill. Teaching – improvement – stabilisation.
Click here for download: Reflections_form_4_months_w5
The Sixth-week sessions:
Topic: Basketball technique development;
Friday class: Basketball shooting – from teaching to skill. Lithuanian way.
Saturday class: Training decision making skills while learning technical elements.
Click here for download: Reflections_form_4_months_w6
The Seventh-week sessions:
Topic: Basics of basketball offence;
Friday class: General principles of building basketball offence.
Saturday class: Effective ways of offence organisation with different teams.
Click here for download: Reflections_form_4_months_w7
The Eight-week sessions:
Topic: Basketball offense;
Friday class: Fast break organisation
Saturday class: Offence against zone defence
Click here for download: Reflections_form_4_months_w8
The four-month course for advanced basketball coaches is intended for coaches, physical education specialists, basketball team and club leaders whose activities are focused on the development of young basketball talents.
The four-month distance learning program will provide a clear understanding of how the training of young basketball players is organized in one of the most productive basketball talent programs - the Lithuanian basketball system. Course participants will understand the essence of the multi-year basketball training model, the principles of talent selection, the main aspects of technical-tactical training, analyze the most effective models of basketball organization, will be introduced to young basketball players' injury prevention, innovative training methods and other basic must-to-know information on effective basketball training.The course will be delivered by leading Lithuanian and European basketball experts